Wednesday, December 01, 2010

When church works, it's brilliant

I started reading Terry Virgo's Does the Future have a church? (Kingsway 2003) which looks like a very nice little book, and was impressed by this quote from Bill Hybels on the local church in the first chapter:

There is nothing like the local church when it's working right. Its beauty is indescribable. Its power is breathtaking. Its potential is unlimited... I believe that the local church is the hope of the world. I believe to the core of my being that local church leaders have the potential to be the most influential force on planet earth. If they 'get it,' and get on with it, churches can become the redemptive centers that Jesus intended them to be. Dynamic teaching, creative worship, deep community, effective evangelism, and joyful service will combine to renew the hearts and minds of seekers and believers alike, strengthen families, transform communities, and change the world.
The quote is from Bill.Hybels, Courageous Leadership (Zondervan 2002)

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